Wednesday 24 October 2012

I've got an Itch!

Hey guys

So this goes post goes out to the Itch topic that I was chatting about with a few guys on twitter. Starting as a phrase to show how "I have to scratch the itch of creativity". It then turned into a topic on how to implement interactive itching and inevitably, to cats.

What I eventually came up with was a double blended set of containers, which change to an RTPC. It concludes with an event trigger and music for a buff that you would receive by "scratching the itch". Depending on the variable, the event gave a different music buff. Its a musical dragon, yey! Also I got round to the footsteps.

Its my longest video so far, so here is; before I go into depth about it all [n.n]

Interactive Itch and Steps integration in Wwise from Stuart Wilson on Vimeo.

Friday 5 October 2012

Creature Vocals, Footsteps and Side Chaining

Hey Guys

So I've been busy this week and last, trying to get christmas temp work and balance that out with Wwise learning, SFX creation, project work and not a lot of music work. Which I want to rememdy, but I've got 2 interviews soon and I'll prob be worked off my feet for christmas. So thats why I pushed and got this Blog post sorted today. Got the video baking away in Vimeo while I write.

So, today's video is done in Fraps which means the mic and system audio feeds where merged into 1 and not very editable [-.-'] However, I did manage to get it all together in some semblance of order from many 30 second clips. Apologies for the quality and such.

The video goes on about many things, footsteps, vocals and sidechaining of creatures. One creature has all of these so far and the rest, just vocals set up. I didn't show the human footsteps yet which were made a while ago and I'll get to that eventually. Dragon steps havent been made yet either. What I also wanted to include but dont yet have, is wet footsteps for when the rain comes etc. Ideas simmering in my mind how to do that efficiently without remaking all footstep sounds and using too much memory.

I cover the creation of 3 sets of steps for the creature, walking, running and galloping for the Whul (made up creature, husky and aggressive) I simply, created a blend container with the 3 sequence containers of the steps and used a "speed of creature" RTPC which controls the delayed playback of the looped sequence containers. The faster the speed, the less the delay and the result; faster sounding footsteps occur.

I also brush past the Rain states change I got working (thanks @Lostlab) where I made a silly mistake in one tick box that could have saved a lot of time. So we actually came up with many ways for it too work. I also touch on the side chain compression for the creature vocals. The set up for these vocals are, the "wandering noises" loop with random silence and the "aggressive" and "interaction" noises are one shots from random containers. The wandering, gets compressed whenever the others are played. I was half temped to use RTPC to vary the Attack and Decay of the compression depending on how far away you were. As a slow decay would make the sounds swell back in. Whereas too fast and it would merge two sounds together. Which when standing very close to it, wouldn't sound right, but I stuck to just using a basic set up for now.

I'd advise watching in full screen or at This link

Creature Vocals, Footstep Pacing, Side-Chaining Vocal Priority and Rain States from Stuart Wilson on Vimeo.

Also, all the creature vocals were made by my voice, even though one sounds like a sea lion, its actually me. Self recording ftw. The only samples Ive actually used so far is the Thunder; can't get good thunder here, and the Wind; my recorder can't handle it without proper equipment. So next on the list is wet steps and then filling out the rest of the creatures. Then onto more ambiance and robotics, with a reference thrown in from Laputa.As well as the usual hunt for work - poke people, try out a new Santa hat for a temp job in the city. Prepare for the worst and enjoy the ride

Also this entire project is fictitious, I have been thinking on it for a while on the implications. It seems audio just got the short straw in development, being usually the end of dev. If I can create audio without code or images, why shouldn't games be made any differently, sometimes? I know Bastion's art was inspired by the music and it grew as a whole, many others too. Heard this before - we need music to fit this and this - not much room for creativity. And a breeding ground for the generic. Possibly we're all just too good at this style of participation, what we do and our turn around is actually putting us in these positions.

I'd like to see more games come out of anything and everything, from all aspects of art and be influenced by it all. And I haven't been disappointed by some of the lower budget games this year. From Optimus and the autobots "Till all are one" rings true here.

Have a peaceful weekend